Should You Use A Wedding Planner?
When planning your wedding you have four options:
Make yourself.
Some couples have managed to plan their own wedding in Spain, with complete success, but many many more have ended with disastrous results! It’s worth taking such a risk!. Friends and family can be a great help when it comes to weddings.
Wedding agent of the venue.
Especially when booking your wedding in a hotel, if you have already decided where to celebrate your wedding and that venue has a wedding assistant, go ahead, here we can only help you with our list of vendors where you can get reliable suppliers.
A wedding planner.
A local wedding planner can help you overcome many hurdles. This has a cost that in many cases it can save you Money. Traditional Wedding planners are a fantastic resource, and if one is in your budget, jump at the chance. Wedding planners are hardworking professionals who are experienced in giving stressed-out couples the wedding of their dreams.
A online Planning tools with a local wedding advisor >
This is our choice, we let you stay in control, but we can guide you exactly where needed. The online Wedding Planning tools aim to organize the wedding by yourself together with our local wedding advisor, providing you with a solid advice, so planning your wedding in Marbella, will be far less time consuming and stressful! It can save you a huge amount of time, money and stress! This option offer you a virtual workspace where you can colaborate with our local wedding advisor. more info>